
I promise to help you upgrade or tweak every aspect of your lifestyle - health, fitness, food, finances, family to…

Live and Age Deliberately well past 100…

  • I promise to bring you the latest research on aging intentionally.

  • I promise to let you in on some key problems I have solved.

  • I promise to show you the data of my improvement projects.

  • I promise to inspire you with Super-Ager stories along the way.

Sign up now so you don’t miss a single minute of this awesomeness.

It’s never too late! Every day counts! Your 100-year-old self will thank you!

Why me?

I’m no tanned and toned fitness guru with swagger and millions of Instagram followers.

I am an ordinary sixty-something wife, mother, and grandmother who has made a commitment to being a super-alive centenarian.

To do that, I am having to become that person. That means…

  • finding the best teachers, know-how and tech

  • testing what I learn and documenting the results

  • walking my talk and being accountable.

It also means engaging with you, my reader, sharing my findings, finding out how I can better help you, and building a community of like-minded adventurers on our way to 100, 110, 120 or beyond.

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Be part of a community that aims to be around to test the theory

120 is the new 80!

Let me personally welcome you onboard this odyssey.

The best bits about the Age with Attitude! online magazine…

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AND, for the foreseeable future, it’s FREE! That’s right. $0.00

So, sign up now so you don’t miss a single minute of this awesomeness.

While you are at it, let all your friends know so we can level up together!

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In my quest for a long, well-lived life, longevity science collides with real life. Follow my personal triumphs and trials as I navigate this adventure.


Sixty-something Wife, Mom, Grandma and Peloton devotee who cycles, kayaks, hikes and runs on the beach with my intrepid 70+ sidekick Mr P. Follow the odyssey of who we need to become to kick ass at 100?